Tagged: Origin Museum

New Gallery: Ultima 7 Technical Documents

New Gallery: Ultima 7 Technical Documents

Courtesy of Bill Randolph and Joe Garrity of the Origin Muesum, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present a series of design documents for Ultima 7, covering areas such as conversation syntax, function design, and Origin’s in-house map editor.

New Gallery: Origin Museum Artifacts

New Gallery: Origin Museum Artifacts

Ultima Aiera is pleased to present over 100 photos of some of the more rare and fascinating items that the Origin Museum has collected, representing a wide swath of the history of the company and its products.

New Gallery: Ultima 9 Manual Images

New Gallery: Ultima 9 Manual Images

And speaking of Ultima 9… Courtesy of Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum, and thanks to the hard work of both him and the team at the Wing Commander CIC, Ultima Aiera is pleased...

New Gallery: Wild Basin Expedition images

New Gallery: Wild Basin Expedition images

Oh, those wily OSI employees! Courtesy of Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present these eight (8) photographs of the “Wild Basin Expedition” Team (a.k.a. the development and production...

Some neat bits of Ultima history

Some neat bits of Ultima history

This is cool. Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum alerted me to the existence of GMZ, a gaming blog that aggregates news about games (“mostly indie retro rock ‘n roll type”) with “interesting design...

New Gallery: Ultima Online 2 Recordings

New Gallery: Ultima Online 2 Recordings

Courtesy of Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum, and thanks to the hard work of both him and the team at the Wing Commander CIC, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present two recordings of…well,...