Apple's OS X Lion (10.7) Breaks Fullscreen for SDL-based Games
An issue with deprecated OS functions in the latest version of OS X — code-named “Lion” — causes SDL-based games to crash.
An issue with deprecated OS functions in the latest version of OS X — code-named “Lion” — causes SDL-based games to crash.
The game’s source code has been freely available for less than a week, and already there is an effort underway to port the game to OpenGL, and to clean up the Win32 types used...
Commenter Fearyourself, who has stepped to the fore to help Kevin Fishburne with his coding issue, has an Ultima-inspired engine creation project of his own, which I have just now gladly added a project...
There’s been a fair bit of talk and buzz about Exult lately, and a lot of it has to do with the fact that Exult development has really picked up lately. Some of the different platforms have really gotten some well-needed attention lately which has also been something of a shot in the arm to both the engine development and the community as a whole. Read more for the whole story…