“Exult”: Version 1.10.1 Released
The “Exult” team have released an update for version 1.10 of the engine, which corrects a number of bugs.
The “Exult” team have released an update for version 1.10 of the engine, which corrects a number of bugs.
xu4, the cross-platform “Ultima 4” engine, has seen a number of updates over the course of the last 3 years.
Oh, to wander some long-forgotten game worlds once more.
An “Ultima 7” fan game that homages its bread-baking and hunger mechanics.
It turns out that oklabsoft released Linux and OS X builds of “Lurking”, its “Ultima 3”-inspired CRPG.
“Nox Archaist” has been released for purchase on Steam; its soundtrack is available there as well.
Spam Spam Spam Humbug will be, for the next several weeks, doing a complete read-through of Andrea Contato’s “Through the Moongate”.
A game of chess against the computer.
Spam Spam Spam Humbug will be, for the next several weeks, doing a complete read-through of Andrea Contato’s “Through the Moongate”.
THQ Nordic and Kaiko Games’ remaster of “Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning” has finally dropped.
There’s always a subset of players who will look for the edge cases that break a game.