Tagged: Martian Dreams

A curious Martian Dreams bug

A curious Martian Dreams bug

Over in the forum, commenter GuJiaXian posted a lengthy article about how he ran into a spot of trouble with Martian Dreams, and encountered what seemed, at first, like a plot-stopping bug: There are...

Added: PU6E

Added: PU6E

I don’t know how I missed including this project on the site for so damn long, to be honest. I knew about it, after all; the name was instantly familiar when I saw it...

Request from a reader!

Request from a reader!

Caliaber Dragon writes: Does anyone happen to have a copy of the Martian Dreams hint book? I would really like to get a copy in PDF. I used to have the actual book, but...

A few old utilities

A few old utilities

I was going through the Ultima FTP Archive and noticed that there were a few things there which had not been added to Aiera, but which probably should have been added a goodly while...