Ultima 4, 5 and 6 Released on Good Old Games
Ultima 5 and 6 — the latter of which is my favourite in the series — are available for download from Good Old Games. And Ultima 4 is included as well, to round out the trilogy.
Ultima 5 and 6 — the latter of which is my favourite in the series — are available for download from Good Old Games. And Ultima 4 is included as well, to round out the trilogy.
Ultima 4, the first true adventure of the Avatar in Britannia, is available for download from Good Old Games. And yes, it’s free.
The ending sequence from the Nintendo Entertainment System port of Ultima 4, and the introductory sequences from the SEGA Master System and FM Towns ports.
A variety of renditions of music from the Ultima 3 soundtrack!
The ending sequence from the Nintendo Entertainment System port of Ultima 3.
The introduction sequence and title screen from the FM Towns version of Ultima 3.
Found by Sergorn Dragon, here are three short movies posted to YouTube that appear to be a home movie rendition of Ultima 2…a very amateur rendition.
The introduction sequence and title screen from the FM Towns version of Ultima 2.
The introduction sequence and title screens from the FM Towns and Commodore 64 versions of Ultima 1.
The first three games in the Ultima series have been released on Good Old Games today.