Tagged: FTP

Ultima 6 Online: Enhanced Graphics

Ultima 6 Online: Enhanced Graphics

I periodically check the Ultima 6 Online website and forums for indications of a client update. (Which reminds me; I need to send Cear Dragon FTP information!) This time, though, I found something rather...

Attention, project developers

Attention, project developers

Beginning with Beautiful Britannia, I’ve begin granting FTP access to the site to project developers. This access is limited to the file repository for a single project, but it offers debs a means to...

Who mourns for Geocities?

Who mourns for Geocities?

Well, that’s it. Yahoo!’s Geocities website-hosting service is, as of today, officially closed. With it closes at least a dozen Ultima website, including some project websites listed here at Aiera. I haven’t gone through...