Tagged: Flash

New Privateer-inspired Flash game

New Privateer-inspired Flash game

Okay, maybe not in the strictest sense…and you sure as heck won’t be fighting any Kilrathi as you play through it. But even so, Black Market, a Flash-based game currently in beta, does feature...

14,000 players: Ultima 4 Flash Version

14,000 players: Ultima 4 Flash Version

According to a briefly visible revision to the Ultima 4 entry at the Codex of Editable Wisdom, Blair Leggett’s Flash-based port of Ultima 4 has had over distinct 14,000 players between May and September...

Ultima 4…in Flash!

Ultima 4…in Flash!

Blair Leggett contacted me via email to alert me to his online, Flash-based remake of Ultima 4…which looks really darn cool, actually. Go and check thou it out, good reader! And while you do...