Facebook integration a-go-go
I’ve grown tired of manually updating the Ultima Facebook page with news from Aiera every time I publish, so I’ve installed a new plugin, called FacePress, to automate the process. This is, admittedly, mostly...
I’ve grown tired of manually updating the Ultima Facebook page with news from Aiera every time I publish, so I’ve installed a new plugin, called FacePress, to automate the process. This is, admittedly, mostly...
And if not: have you been living under a rock, and/or what colour is the sky on your planet, and also…welcome to Earth. Okay, somewhat more seriously, Portalarium is “an online ecosystem of shared...
Hey, check it out: you can become a fan of us. Because you are a fan of us, right, good reader?
There are a couple of things to report. Firstly, Lost Sosaria has posted another eleven screenshots, showcasing more of the string of areas called the “Great Road”, the north-to-south roadway that connects the cities...