Exult 1.6 Released!
A new stable version of Exult has been released, to mark the 28th anniversary of Ultima 7’s release.
A new stable version of Exult has been released, to mark the 28th anniversary of Ultima 7’s release.
A plethora of updates from The Savage Empire Remake, an Exult-based attempt to remake Savage Empire.
Time Machine Dragon has been thinking about the future of xu4 and whether the project should continue to be worked on.
The Exult team have managed to address a few more bugs in Exult, including the issue with crystal balls in Serpent Isle.
Wizardry Dragon hasn’t made as much progress as he had hoped to, in no small part due to the fact that he has had a ton of Exult-related bug-fixing to do, and also because...
There’s been a fair bit of talk and buzz about Exult lately, and a lot of it has to do with the fact that Exult development has really picked up lately. Some of the different platforms have really gotten some well-needed attention lately which has also been something of a shot in the arm to both the engine development and the community as a whole. Read more for the whole story…
I’ll be limping through restoring the downloads for Ultima 7 this and next week, most likely. And I’ve begun where it is most critical to begin: with Exult. I’ve also gone though and grabbed...
The bleeding-edge version of Exult — the Ultima 7 engine for more operating systems and platforms than one cares to list — has been updated as of October 9th. Exult Tools and Exult Studio...
There’s still no new news posted on the project’s main website, but Exult — the engine that enables Ultima 7 (both parts: The Black Gate and Serpent Isle) to run on virtually every OS...
I see that Dino’s Ultima Page has posted some news concerning a couple of new file releases from different projects. Notably, Ranman’s Ultima V for TI Calculators has released a beta version of that...
I was contacted a while back (an inexcusably long while back, as it happens — my apologies!) by Zen, who passed along a bit of an addon module for Dungeon Keeper based on the...