Tagged: Epic Mickey 2
Random Wednesdays
Okay, okay, okay…one of these times, there won’t be 38 Studios-related content in one of these. But it is not this time! Also something about Black Isle Studios.
Random Wednesdays (Updated!)
Boring MMORPGs, stolen art assets, summer release windows, and a countdown. Yes…a countdown!
IGN Interviews Warren Spector
IGN sat down with Warren Spector for an engaging and (in parts) hilarious interview about his history in the industry and his next game, Epic Mickey 2.
Warren Spector Geeks Out To Promote Epic Mickey 2
Warren Spector brought his collection of DIsney rarities to E3 to help promote the next Epic Mickey game.
Warren Spector Remembers Origin
Metro, a British publication, caught up with Warren Spector recently and asked him about his career in the gaming industry.
Epic Mickey 2: Coming to PC
There is a rumour that Warren Spector’s Epic Mickey 2 may be coming to PC, and that a rather absurdly large number of people are working on making it happen.
Warren Spector’s Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two Announced (also some 3DS game)
Anybody think Warren randomly pulled today’s date out of the hat to announce this, given what game was released 20 years ago? Especially given that he was the producer of the Ultima Underworld games?