Warren Spector Geeks Out To Promote Epic Mickey 2

I think at this point it’s common knowledge that former Origin Systems producer Warren Spector is something of a hardcore geek where Disney and its various animated properties are concerned, and I think it’s also common knowledge that, for him, working on the Epic Mickey series is a dream come true.

But just in case there were any doubts, let the man’s own curious method of promoting Epic Mickey 2 at E3 put those doubts to rest!

Spector actually brought his own memorabilia from the heyday of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit to the Disney booth for this year’s E3. Some of the ephemera in the display cases comes from the Disney vaults, too, but a surprising amount of it says “From the collection of Warren Spector.” If you thought that one of the men behind Deus Ex was just BSing about how much he digs the House of Mouse feast your eyes on the stuff he bought with his own cash. The pins, promotional material and 80-year-old toys remind you that Oswald, Mickey and their cohorts were the precursors to Mario, Sonic and the other iconic characters that the video game medium has spawned, long before consoles ever existed.

Epic Mickey 2 — officially entitled Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two is slated for a November 18, 2012 release, and will add co-op play capability (with the second player controlling Oswald the Rabbit).