Spam Spam Spam Humbug: Episode 45 – In Which I Eat Crow (I’ll Soon Be Plump!)
In hindsight, it was obvious that at some point, WtFD would have to eat some of his words regarding the Kim Karsdashian iOS game.
In hindsight, it was obvious that at some point, WtFD would have to eat some of his words regarding the Kim Karsdashian iOS game.
EA has been teasing “mystery titles” for its 2018 lineup, including new takes on a couple of (unspecified) old IPs.
Spam Spam Spam Humbug reviews development on (and news about) Ultima Online that took place in 2015.
Spam Spam Spam Humbug chats with Richard Garriott and Starr Long about the genesis and first years of Ultima Online.
The Digital Antiquarian looks at the first partnership between Origin Systems and EA, and at the development history of Ultima 5.
Letters sent to Origin Systems and EA by Donald Glinkie, the most perpetually irate Ultima fan who ever lived.
Spam Spam Spam Humbug chats with members of the Ultima Online team.
Sixteen years ago today, the last single-player Ultima title was released.