Take the Test of Virtue on Facebook
slashgravatar (or so I suspect) has started a new Facebook page, whereat you can take the classic Test of Virtue from the Ultima series.
slashgravatar (or so I suspect) has started a new Facebook page, whereat you can take the classic Test of Virtue from the Ultima series.
Paul Izod, whose retrospectives of the Ultima series we have greatly enjoyed in recent months, has reviewed Ultima Forever at Zero1Gaming.
The Hearth of Britannia website has been updated…most honourably!
Mythic gave us a tiny glimpse at one of the new dungeons they have introduced to Britannia in Ultima Forever.
Mythic have updated the Ultima Forever Facebook page once again, revealing that Cove is the town associated with Humility in the game.
Mythic have launched into the last week in which they will be examining one of the Eight Virtues in detail on the Ultima Forever Facebook page. Fittingly, Humility has been reserved for this final chapter.
Mythic have finished this week’s examination of the Virtue of Spirituality on the Ultima Forever Facebook page with a look at the dungeon of Hythloth.
Mythic have updated the Ultima Forever Facebook page once again, this time with a look at the town of Skara Brae.
Mythic have decided to examine the Virtue of Spirituality on the Ultima Forever Facebook page this week.
Mythic have concluded their week-long look at the Virtue of Honor with an examination of its antithesis: Shame.
Mythic have updated the Ultima Forever Facebook page with a look at the Virtue of Honor.