U6 Project: Milestone 5 released!
I just got this notice in my email inbox, and it’s a hute announcement indeed: Milestone 5 of the Ultima 6 Project has been released! It is with much pleasure that we announce the...
I just got this notice in my email inbox, and it’s a hute announcement indeed: Milestone 5 of the Ultima 6 Project has been released! It is with much pleasure that we announce the...
I apologize for the gap in news updating; both my job and my home life have been rather busy these last few weeks, and I’ve had precious little time to stroll through “the Ultimasphere”...
Well, it’s been a little while since I posted an update pertaining to Ultima projects, and I see that Petrell and Dino over at Dino’s Ultima Page have uncovered several juicy morsels of news....
There’s been a fair bit of news in the Ultima community these last few days, and Petrell over at Dino’s Ultima Page has gotten the scoop on much of it. Ultima V for TI...
It has been another busy week for Ultima-related news, O Reader, and on the site as well. Full implementation of the download manager is progressing apace, and I think I’m going to add a...
Dino’s Ultima Page beat me to the scoop on these developments, but the news is big enough to be worth repeating. Ultima 6 was always my favourite Ultima title, and that particular remake is...
First off, Happy New Year to everyone. I hope that you were able to ring in 2008 in a way that was both safe and enjoyable for you and your friends or family; I...
Hey, didn’t I use that title once before already? Having already mentioned the domain name change, I can just jump in today and start reporting the news. Many thanks to all the people who...
Okay, so at least a few people contacted me while I was away with news of Ultima-related news, either via the contact form, direct email, or the comments for this post. Once again, it’s...
There have been a few minor updates in the community in the last week-and-change, O Reader, including a few updates for download. Redemption Corv informs us, on the Redemption main page, that team member...
I love it when projects come back to life after a bit of a hiatus (or a really long hiatus, as the case may be). So it’s with an extra little swell of joy...