Unknown Realm: A Bit More Help
Stirring Dragon Games is appealing for some additional financial help from backers of “Unknown Realm: The Siege Perilous” in order to finish up and ship the game in 2020.
Stirring Dragon Games is appealing for some additional financial help from backers of “Unknown Realm: The Siege Perilous” in order to finish up and ship the game in 2020.
Video game artist Mike Winterbauer is crowdfunding prints of the artwork he created for the “Worlds of Xeen” games (entries in the “Might & Magic” series) via Kickstarter.
Shroud of the Avatar – Update of the Avatar #353 – #356 – Catnip Games and Sota, Q4 and 2020 Schedule, Release 71, and More
The follow-up volume to Andrea Contato’s “Through the Moongate” has been fully funded – and more! – on Kickstarter.
The list of forsaken virtues would be too long to fit here.
Shroud of the Avatar backers waiting for their signed copy of “The Sword of Midras” need not wait any longer; the book is not coming.
The Minstrel’s Fable is an in-development MMORPG that boasts a massive world with an Ultima 5-like aesthetic.
Andrea Contato’s “Through the Moongate, Part 2” has already reached its Kickstarter funding goal.
Slashing Dragon has published a couple of milestone updates to the OpenArthurianX6 RPG engine in recent weeks.
Andrea Contato is crowdfunding production of the second volume of “Through the Moongate” on Kickstarter.
Author and researcher Andrea Contato has been hard at work on the second volume of “Through the Moongate”, and will be crowdfunding its completion beginning next week!