Yes, That’s Another “Shroud of the Avatar” Countdown
Another countdown widget graces the header of the Ultima Codex, as another Ultima Dragon awaits his long-overdue “Shroud of the Avatar” box.
Another countdown widget graces the header of the Ultima Codex, as another Ultima Dragon awaits his long-overdue “Shroud of the Avatar” box.
Also some stuff about MMOs, Outriders, and cheating in X-Wing.
Shroud of the Avatar – Update of the Avatar #371 – #401 – Lord British’s Castle, Youtuber Reviews Game, and Teleporter Changes
Remember: gaming aids social distancing, and breaks up the self-isolation.
Killing time in a hotel room far from home is a lot like social distancing, isn’t it?
Shroud of the Avatar – Update of the Avatar #365 – #370 – Bard Skills, Episode 2 Land, and More!
Shroud of the Avatar – Update of the Avatar #363 – #364 – “Enter 2020 and a ‘New Vision'” and a Multiboxing discussion.
Shroud of the Avatar – Update of the Avatar #357 – #362 – Releases 72 and 73, Player GM Powers, and More!
Obsidian’s latest game has been occupying pretty much everyone’s interest lately, and that’s a very good thing.
Shroud of the Avatar – Update of the Avatar #353 – #356 – Catnip Games and Sota, Q4 and 2020 Schedule, Release 71, and More
The list of forsaken virtues would be too long to fit here.