Tagged: BioWare

Mass Effect 3 Announcement Trailer

Mass Effect 3 Announcement Trailer

Well, it’s here and it’s official, and most of the speculation proved to be entirely correct. BioWare has announced, officially, Mass Effect 3, which is due in late 2011. The trailer, oddly enough, almost...

EA's new Facebook game: Dragon Age Legends

EA's new Facebook game: Dragon Age Legends

Well, here’s one title that will benefit from the new EA/Facebook agreement! And as Joystiq reports, playing Dragon Age: Legends will have net you some extra content in Dragon Age 2 (though what, exactly,...

Origin: Best PC game developer of all time?

Origin: Best PC game developer of all time?

Kotaku’s Luke Plunkett thinks so. [Update: link fixed! — Ed.] And I, for one, cannot disagree. Don’t get me wrong: there are a few other phenomenal game developers out there. I’m less sold on...

Free-to-Play: the way of the future for MMOs?

Free-to-Play: the way of the future for MMOs?

Last month, Turbine announced that their MMORPG, Lord of the Rings Online, was switching from a paid subscription payment model to a microtransaction-based free-to-play model instead. The result? According to Kate Paiz, LotRO’s executive...

Dragon Age 2 imports "the world"

Dragon Age 2 imports "the world"

[amazonify]B003UF9E0O:right[/amazonify]Joystiq reports that the lingering ambiguity over how BioWare’s Dragon Age 2 [pre-order] will handle character imports has been cleared up. …lead designer Mike Laidlaw revealed that while you don’t get to import your...

EA and Activision execs trade barbs

EA and Activision execs trade barbs

Apropos of the discussion that took place in this article, you Dragons and Dragonettes might be interested to read about a wee dust-up that took place between EA and Activision executives over the weekend:...