The cat's out of the bag: Mass Effect 3 is coming!

I mean, we already knew it was coming (in that we knew that the Mass Effect series was intended to be a trilogy). But thanks to a happy little slip-up on the EA online store, we can be pretty sure that BioWare will be announcing Mass Effect 3 at the VGAs tomorrow.

Warning: clicking the link about the “happy little slip-up” carries the risk of being exposed to some spoilers about high-level plot points from the game. Though to be fair, anyone who has played the first two entries in the series (or even just one of the two) should have realized that the trilogy would end with a showdown with the Reapers.

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Joystiq thinks this looks like a placeholder, given the price. I’m not entirely convinced — I could see a $60 USD price tag for the game being realistic, especially if the rumours be true that the game will, in addition to its epic single-player campaign, feature some manner of multiplayer capabilities (no word yet on whether that will be arena-based multiplayer or co-op mode).

We’ll know for sure tomorrow! (Which means: check back!)