Back to Roots: Moving to XML
Fearyourself has announced that he is transitioning all of the configuration files for his Ultima-inspired game engine to an XML format.
Fearyourself has announced that he is transitioning all of the configuration files for his Ultima-inspired game engine to an XML format.
Fearyourself poses a question about how dungeon graphics in Back to Roots should be handled.
Fearyourself has more or less polished off the implementation of classic Ultima dungeons in Back to Roots, and is wondering what he should focus his efforts on next.
I got round to do the next big step in the BackToRoots engine: monster scripting. Now monsters can have a Lua script attached to them and we have a few callbacks to diversify the behavior.
And in a further Back To Roots progress update, I was lucky to continue the progress of dungeon handling.
The backtoroots project has moved forward by forging monsters in the dungeon halls.
Fearyourself has continued his excellent pace of progress in implementing features from Ultima 5 in his Ultima-inspired game engine, Back to Roots.
Fearyourself has made some good progress on his Ultima-inspired game engine, Back to Roots, over the last week and a bit. Exiting dungeons is now supported, and he has begun working with in-game triggers.
Fearyourself has posted a short video demonstrating the latest development he has made in Back to Roots: transitioning into and loading dungeons.
JC has made progress decoding the dungeon data from Ultima 5, and implementing these dungeons in his Ultima-inspired game engine, Back to Roots.
Fearyourself has decoded the .16 and .4 files from the Ultima 5 folder, extracting the graphics contained therein. Nice guy that he is, he passed along ZIP archives of both graphics sets.