Tagged: Apple

xu4 for iOS Trailer

xu4 for iOS Trailer

NorwegianRockCat, from the xu4 development team, has released a trailer for the (currently iPad-only) iOS port of xu4, the cross-platform Ultima 4 engine.

Video: Ultima 4 on iOS (natively!)

Video: Ultima 4 on iOS (natively!)

In which a long-standing challenge is responded to: What you are seeing, Dragons and Dragonettes, is actually an offshoot of the xu4 project, which implements the underlying game model from Ultima 4 in iOS....

Ultima 3: Exodus running on an Apple II+

Ultima 3: Exodus running on an Apple II+

Witness the awesome: There’s really not much to say, apart from that this is all kinds of cool. It’s kind of mind-boggling to think that this is where Ultima — where gaming, really —...

iDOS 2.0.1 available on the iTunes App Store

iDOS 2.0.1 available on the iTunes App Store

Some of you may recall the brief, shining moment of glory that the original iDOS iPhone app had: it appeared on the iTunes App Store one morning back in October, and was quickly yanked...