Dungeons of Chaos: Looking Back, Looking Ahead, and Kickstarter Campaign
Volker Elzner has launched a Kickstarter campaign to support further expansions for Dungeons of Chaos, and has also shared his thoughts on the state of the game today.
Volker Elzner has launched a Kickstarter campaign to support further expansions for Dungeons of Chaos, and has also shared his thoughts on the state of the game today.
The later Ultimas featured robust interactive world systems, which even allowed for objects to be combined to make other objects (e.g. bread). How does this relate to modern crafting systems in RPGs?
Volker Elzner has released an update for Dungeons of Chaos, which corrects an issue with sprinting (among other changes).
With more and more title incorporating “RPG elements”, can it be said that RPGs are the foremost category of video games?
Probably not; Ultima just isn’t as well-known an IP. But AR RPGs could possibly work, and even bring considerable innovation to the AR space.
Slashing Dragon has released version 1.75 of Ananias, adding many new items and item modifiers to the game.
In hindsight, it was obvious that at some point, WtFD would have to eat some of his words regarding the Kim Karsdashian iOS game.
At least in the realm of PC games, physical box copies seem to be going away…with the exception of collectors editions that have lots of feelies in them.
It seems like publishers just aren’t making games for our demographic anymore. How, then, should we go about transmitting our love of gaming to the next generation?
Slashing Dragon has released an update for Ananias, and has evidently been testing the iOS version of the game via Testflight.