Creation takes time. Time is limited.

Titans of Ether looking for team members

Titans of Ether looking for team members

The Titans of Ether are looking for modelers and worldbuilders. So if, O Reader, you have any talent with either 3D modeling or worldbuilding using the Morrowind engine and toolset, drop them a line....

This has been a busy week for the remakes!

This has been a busy week for the remakes!

There were quite a few updates that I noticed in my last not-quite-daily stroll through the remake community. Ultima IX: Redemption There’s not exactly a new update at the Redemption website, but Direhaggis did...

Lazarus Mod Guide

Lazarus Mod Guide

There is nothing new in the way of project development to report today, but that’s not to say there isn’t something interesting to discuss. As the reader may know, Ultima V: Lazarus — the...

Ashes progress update

Ashes progress update

Resle, one of the developers working on Ashes — an RPG inspired by Ultima with a home-made 3D engine powering it — gave a bit of an update on the project’s status in the...

Lost Sosaria & Facebook

Lost Sosaria & Facebook

There are a couple of things to report. Firstly, Lost Sosaria has posted another eleven screenshots, showcasing more of the string of areas called the “Great Road”, the north-to-south roadway that connects the cities...