Creation takes time. Time is limited.

Restored: Ultima 9 Music Decoder

Restored: Ultima 9 Music Decoder

Aquamarine Dragon’s simple utility for extracting the music files from Ultima 9 (and let’s be honest: Ultima 9 did have some beautiful music) is once again available for download.

Restored: the Ultima 9 Combined Patch

Restored: the Ultima 9 Combined Patch

Some years ago, Grandor Dragon and Novum Dragon produced a series of patches which overhauled the monster statistics, economy, and dialogue of Ultima 9, making for a generally better overall playing experience, assuming you...

News I've neglected to post

News I've neglected to post

First, Sergorn Dragon’s Return to the Serpent Isle has posted its June update, which makes mention of the magic system that the project team is in the process of developing. Work is also proceeding...

Restored: Ultima 9 Patches

Restored: Ultima 9 Patches

This is actually a two-for-one deal, which actually means I’m back on schedule overall since I think I missed posting one download last week. Anyhow, I’ve restored the 1.18 and 1.19 patches for Ultima...

Welcome, RPGWatch readers!

Welcome, RPGWatch readers!

The site has been getting a ton of traffic from RPGWatch over the weekend, so let me just shout out a big “HELLO AND WELCOME!” to everyone who’s coming from there that has never...

Ultima reviews!

Ultima reviews!

Reader enirya alerts us to the following: Spoony from is doing a series of reviews of the Ultima games, starting at Akalabeth and apparently he intends to go all the way up to...