Creation takes time. Time is limited.

Classic Ultima Online Is Back In Development

Classic Ultima Online Is Back In Development

Classic Ultima Online has been largely silent for a couple of years now (maybe more), but developer Shattered Moon posted an update at the beginning of February, in which he reviews the original objectives...

xu4 Quietly Updated

xu4 Quietly Updated

I previously made mention that the xu4 developers had released a new snapshot they were terming “beta4”. Since that time, as Petrell has brought to my attention, they have also quietly pushed an actual...

Nightly Open Thread

Nightly Open Thread

Pluto is still no longer considered a planet (bah!), but Planet X might be getting another shot at stardom. Or, rather, planet Tyche, a rumoured megaplanet located way far out in the Oort Cloud....

Codex Dragon Does Dragon Age

Codex Dragon Does Dragon Age

Felicia “Codex Dragon” Day has been tweeting about her latest “mystery project” for the last couple of months (if not more), and today news broke concerning exactly what that project is: a six-episode Web...

Nightly Open Thread

Nightly Open Thread

Suppose for a moment that BioWare’s The Old Republic MMORPG fails commercially. Will the Star Wars franchise survive?

History in the Making: Civ IV's Theme Wins a Grammy

History in the Making: Civ IV's Theme Wins a Grammy

I wrote, previously: “for those of you who haven’t heard: the theme music from Civilization IV, Baba Yetu, has been nominated for a Grammy award, in the “Best Instrumental Arrangement Accompanying Vocalists” category. What...

Ultima 6 for Super NES…Online!

Ultima 6 for Super NES…Online!

Twitter user and Ultima fan Cody Baxter alerted me to this online Nintendo Super NES emulation site, at which it appears that the NES port of Ultima 6 is available to play for free....

Nightly Open Thread

Nightly Open Thread

Blizzard…a twenty-year legacy of awesome, or a two-decade legacy of fancy window dressing on unoriginal ideas?

Richard Garriott has a plan to beat Zynga

Richard Garriott has a plan to beat Zynga

There is a fascinating article about Richard Garriott’s new company, Portalarium, and its plan to take on social gaming giant Zynga at GamesBeat. It’s a pretty informative article, actually, structured around a discussion with...