Linguistic Dragon Resumes Blogging His “Ultima Journeys”
Linguistic Dragon has resumed updating his Ultima Journeys blog, which chronicles his playthroughs of games in the Ultima series.
Linguistic Dragon has resumed updating his Ultima Journeys blog, which chronicles his playthroughs of games in the Ultima series.
Slashland has posted a few updates to the Indiegogo campaign page for his mobile roguelike, Ananias. There’s even some sample art
Shroud of the Avatar – New Pledge Rewards, New Pledge Tiers, Player Owned Towns & Stretch Goal Store Megapost
Kristofer Yffén’s live-action homage to the Ultima 6 introduction sequence, with (excellent!) accordion music as its soundtrack.
Spoony continues his reviews of Ultima games with a look at Runes of Virtue 2 for the Super Nintendo.
Koden-KM continues to expand his Minecraft-based re-creation of the world of Ultima 8, Pagan.
Xenerkes Dragon has been out of the Ultima fan project scene for over a decade, but he has recently decided to jump back into it with an update to his savegame editor.
An Ultima fan is attempting to play through Ultima V: Lazarus, and has encountered a couple of issues in doing so.