Spoony Plays Ultima: Runes of Virtue 2

I gather the de rigeur term is “trigger warning”, so…one of those, with respect to the above, for a dancing, naked Spoony wearing only a knight’s helm and a robe. Thou hast been warned. (Oh, and profanity…don’t watch at the office. Unless your office is cool.)

Anyhow, it would appear that Spoony has only just learned of the existence of Ultima ports for the Super Nintendo; perhaps someone should tell him that the original NES also had some Ultima titles. Anyhow, after a cursory discussion of the Ultima 6 and Ultima 7 ports, he focuses most of his ire on Runes of Virtue 2. And yes, he more or less savages the game.

I don’t know…it’s not the funniest he’s ever been, but he did manage to sneak in a screenshot from Ultima IX: Redemption and use it in a rather amusing way. So there’s that.

The First Age of Update: On second watching, I have to say…there’s something fundamentally uncomfortable about this video. Even for Spoony, the levels of sexual innuendo and profanity are staggeringly high.

I find myself worrying that Mr. Antwiler may in fact be genuinely unwell.

Revenge of the Update: It should also be noted that although Spoony calls it Runes of Virtue, the game he’s actually playing here is Runes of Virtue 2.

3 Responses

  1. Frank says:

    Business as usual for spoony then? maybe the silence of the lamb parody troubled you?

    It would still be nice to have a link to the video instead of having to track it down.

  2. Sanctimonia says:

    I thought it was great. SotL is in my top ten list, and his interpretation was disturbingly accurate and surprisingly mesmerizing. The only thing I don’t love about Spoony was the LB roast. I expected that to be hard core, yet it was pretty tame.