Well, I’m Back
WtF Dragon took ill for much of last week. So today will be a day for catching up on the news, of which there is a goodly amount.
WtF Dragon took ill for much of last week. So today will be a day for catching up on the news, of which there is a goodly amount.
Shroud of the Avatar – Update of the Avatar #118 – 2015.03.27: Play R16 Now, FireLotus R16 Party, Q2 2015 Schedule, Novian Academy, Weekend Events, and More!
Shroud of the Avatar – Release 16 Instructions, Notes, and Details
The second episode of Spam Spam Spam Humbug, “Don’t Knock the Fun”, is now online.
The Crowfall Kickstarter campaign continues to accrue funds and backers. Two more stretch goals have been reached, and two more have been announced.
Pillars of Eternity launches this week…so have another dragon courtesy of this piece at Niche Gamer. Or a drake; I guess this one is a drake. Yeah.
Richard Garriott and Britannia Manor were featured on an episode of MTV’s Cribs back in 2007.
Crowfall’s ongoing Kickstarter campaign has reached $1.3 million, meaning another stretch goal has been unlocked.
OtherSide Entertainment will be sending out backer surveys for Underworld Ascendant next week.