Nominate an Ultima Game For the World Video Game Hall of Fame
The National Museum of Play is taking nominations for the first entries in its World Video Game Hall of Fame.
The National Museum of Play is taking nominations for the first entries in its World Video Game Hall of Fame.
Andrew Owen has completed his work on the main display window for U3.5: Pax Britannia, and even found a way to speed up the code.
Origin historian Pix takes a stab at playing through the Japanese-language PlayStation port of Ultima Underworld.
The Ultima 6 Remake team are readying some pretty awesome stuff to showcase in their next website update.
Linguistic Dragon has moved on to progressing through the dungeons in Ultima 4, acquiring stones as he goes.
Slashing Dragon has released version 1.55 of Ananias; you can now share your in-game deaths on Facebook.
Andrew Owen has posted a couple of cryptic samples of text, which pertain to U3.5: Pax Britannia in some way.
A pair of Ultima-inspired pieces of art, from SirTiefling’s profile on DeviantArt.
The Ultima Online team has put together a video diary of what they have planned for Ultima Online in 2015.
Corv has released the heightmap used to create Britannia as it appears in Ultima IX: Redemption.