Buy Richard Garriott’s Stuff!
Richard Garriott is auctioning off some of the items he has collected over the years, including a historic model rocket from Russia.
Richard Garriott is auctioning off some of the items he has collected over the years, including a historic model rocket from Russia.
Richard Garriott took part in Out of Bounds Comedy’s Stool Pigeon recently, telling stories while the comedy troupe acted them out.
Alex St. John, one of the creators of the DirectX technology platform and founder of WildTangent explains, in a lengthy blogpost, just how instrumental Origin Systems was to the development of DirectX.
Starr Long has announced, on the Shroud of the Avatar forums, that Portalarium will be hosting their first 48-hour scene creation jam on September 20th and 21st.
Raph Koster chatted with recently. Here are his comments on Ultima Online, which were made during the course of the interview. (Image credit: Cory Doctorow)
Richard Garriott and his father Owen, the only father/son American astronaut duo, will be giving a public interview about their experiences in space at a special Explorers Club event next week.
Shroud of the Avatar’s executive producer, MMORPG veteran Starr Long, will be speaking at the Captivate Conference in Austin in October.
In an interview with Polygon, Richard Garriott gives us a tour of his recently-finished New York home. Despite being just sixteen feet wide, it is full of treasures and trinkets to rival even Britannia Manor.
Richard Garriott was one of the keynote speakers at Unite 2013 today. He discussed his career and history in the game development industry, and the ways in which Unity was aiding and speeding the development of Shroud of the Avatar.
Congratulations to Rustic Dragon and the Hearth of Britannia for surpassing $10,000 in pledges to Shroud of the Avatar during the Telethon of the Avatar! Joining the hangout right now are Richard “Lord British”...