Category: Site News

Restored: Ultima 9 Patches

Restored: Ultima 9 Patches

This is actually a two-for-one deal, which actually means I’m back on schedule overall since I think I missed posting one download last week. Anyhow, I’ve restored the 1.18 and 1.19 patches for Ultima...

Welcome, RPGWatch readers!

Welcome, RPGWatch readers!

The site has been getting a ton of traffic from RPGWatch over the weekend, so let me just shout out a big “HELLO AND WELCOME!” to everyone who’s coming from there that has never...

Ultima reviews!

Ultima reviews!

Reader enirya alerts us to the following: Spoony from is doing a series of reviews of the Ultima games, starting at Akalabeth and apparently he intends to go all the way up to...

Ultima 6 Online Forum

Ultima 6 Online Forum

Cear Dragon just alerted me to the existence of an official forum which has been created to address support issues, provide a place to discuss project progress, and plan raids. Spread the word!

Restored: Ultima 9 Extended Setup

Restored: Ultima 9 Extended Setup

If you’ve ever had the displeasure of attempting to manually edit the options.ini configuration file for Ultima 9, you might be interested to learn that there is an easier way. This utility from Xenerkes...



Kevin Fishburne may be a name that some remember; he coded Littoral (which, shamefully, I have yet to restore to downloadable status). Well, last night he contacted me with a request for assistance. He...