Author: WtF Dragon

Here's a little palette cleanser…

Here's a little palette cleanser…

…after that Lord of Ultima news piece. It’s an interview with none other than Corey Cole, the husbandly half of the husband-and-wife duo behind the Hero’s Quest (later Quest for Glory) games that Sierra...

Something, something, Lord of Ultima

Something, something, Lord of Ultima

Since I know you all care about this game so very much, I know you will all rush out right now and pick up the Google Chrome plugin/app that has just been released for...

A Beautiful Britannia 2011 R2 teaser image

A Beautiful Britannia 2011 R2 teaser image

Firstknight is continuing to make progress upgrading the textures for Ultima 9, and is on course for a roughly summertime release. And to tease you all, he offers this side-by-side comparison of screenshots, showing...

Spoony reviews Ultima 7 (finally!)

Spoony reviews Ultima 7 (finally!)

And wow…it’s a long one: He even throws a mention in the direction of Martian Dreams and Savage Empire. Still no love for the engine, though. You’ll also appreciate the mention of Origin Systems’…er…tendency...

And speaking of playthroughs…here's Akalabeth

And speaking of playthroughs…here's Akalabeth

I didn’t just find Martian Dreams on YouTube yesterday. There was also this: And this is just the first video; YouTube user DJOldGames has already completed the fourth quest from Lord British, and has...

The Feudal Lands still needs help!

The Feudal Lands still needs help!

Wizardry Dragon hasn’t made as much progress as he had hoped to, in no small part due to the fact that he has had a ton of Exult-related bug-fixing to do, and also because...