Author: WtF Dragon

xu4 is looking for texture artists!

xu4 is looking for texture artists!

Darren from the xu4 project is wondering whether anyone out there would be interested in making art — or custom textures — for xu4. Were someone interested, Darren is confident that he could make...

Exult is now available for the Xbox 360

Exult is now available for the Xbox 360

Not that I can post a download; as Xbox Scene handily explains, the download is actually illegal for various reasons having to do with the licensing of the official Microsoft Xbox SDK. Apparently, news...

Ultima Underworld…a retro treasure!

Ultima Underworld…a retro treasure!

I just stumbled across this, and figured it’d be worth a repost, since it basically speaks most of my own thoughts about Ultima Underworld in relation to the first iD Software titles: Some people...

Hey look…Ultima 6 textures for Minecraft

Hey look…Ultima 6 textures for Minecraft

I was just randomly Googling for Ultima 6 images when I noticed this: Here’s the author’s short blurb about his work: Play Minecraft with textures taken directly from Ultima 6, the classic RPG. hide...

xu4: iPhone video and tileset questions

xu4: iPhone video and tileset questions

Darren, from the xu4 project, wrote with two ends in mind this evening. First, he wanted to draw my attention — and, by extension, the attention of all you Dragons and Dragonettes — to...

New video: an Ultima Online demo reel…from 2004!

New video: an Ultima Online demo reel…from 2004!

Ultima Aiera is pleased to present this demo reel — which was apparently only ever released internally at Electronic Arts and whatever studio was doing the development (Mythic Entertainment?) — from a second attempt...