Crowfall: Cosplay Contest; Castles; New Goddess; Hunger Dome Postmortem
In which we are introduced to a new goddess in the Crowfall pantheon, are given data about the recent combat testing, and much more!
In which we are introduced to a new goddess in the Crowfall pantheon, are given data about the recent combat testing, and much more!
It’s the final day of the (very successful, I should note) For The King Kickstarter campaign.
WtFD muses about the task of introducing his kids to computer games. Also, Spam Spam Spam Humbug crossed the 100,000 listens threshold this week, so thank you for listening.
Das Tal will be holding a nine-day open world event at the end of October.
Citadel Studios have released the September newsletter to those who have subscribed to the Shards Online mailing list, chronicling the latest developments in their ongoing work on that game. As always, the opening remarks...
Time of Legends, the Savage Empire-themed expansion for Ultima Online, has been released to all shards today.
Some new content and bugfixes for Time of Legends has been pushed to Ultima Online’s Origin and Izumo shards.
Some Underworld Ascendant gameplay footage was shown off on the most recent episode of The PC Gamer Show.
For The King has less than ten days left on Kickstarter.
It’s the Dungeon Doom wallpaper, now properly labelled.
Richard Garriott’s book — Explore/Create: My Life at the Extremes — has evidently been cancelled by publisher HarperCollins.