Building an “Exult” Mod? Check Out G.W. Chapman’s Custom “Ultima 7” Shapes & Sprites

Exult, which saw its version 1.10 stable release earlier this week, has long had support for creating mods; it is possible to use the Ultima 7 engine (in effect) to create entirely new games…or re-imaginings of other Ultima games, for that matter.

Of course, the challenge in making a mod is finding good artwork. Obviously, Exult allows you to use the default Ultima 7 shapes and sprites, but to make a mod really stand out — visually, at least — it really is a good idea to incorporate custom artwork where possible. But not everyone (myself included) has the necessary talent as an artist to create good-looking game sprites, and Ultima 7’s sprites and shapes are particularly top-tier examples of what game art should look like.

Fortunately, Grant W. Chapman does have a significant amount of artistic talent, and has published a GitHub repository full of custom Ultima 7 shapes and sprites:

This repository contains all artwork designed to be used in Ultima VII parts one and two through the use of the Exult program. Each piece is available either as a raw .png file or the .shp format for import through Exult Studio.

You can grab the individual SHP or PNG files for each piece of artwork at the good Mr. Chapman’s profile. Alternatively, if you want something more akin to a full-fledged sprite sheet, Karl Clinckspoor has prepared one at his own GitHub repository.

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