More “Ultimore”?

There was one other bit of news from Daemon Master that I missed reporting on earlier this year, concerning the other Ultimore scenarios that Joel Fenton released. (These were, if you weren’t previously aware of them, a series of fan-made add-on scenarios for the Apple ][ version of Ultima 3, which were implemented in such a way as to be playable alongside the base game.)

Well, it turns out that Dominus — best known for his work on the Exult project — managed to unearth a few more of the Ultimore scenarios, which Daemon Master was quite excited about:

I’m very excited to say that not only have the missing three Ultima III: Exodus scenarios by Joel Fenton been found (“Spaceship Crash”, “Pirate World”, and “Rule of the Slave Lords”) but also at least one of his Wizimore scenarios (“O’Connor’s Mine”) has been found too!

Full credit goes to Dominus of Exult for acquiring these, I believe they secured them via eBay. The seller (from what I can see) doesn’t appear to specialize in vintage software, having also toys, shoes, and other collectibles. Perhaps they were secured from a deceased estate or one of those storage space auctions. We may never know, but by my counting that just leaves one Wizimore left to be discovered (“Scarlet Brotherhood of Hsi Ho”) and then all of Joel’s scenarios will be found.

If that wasn’t enough already, it looks as though Joel wasn’t the only one busy making scenarios for Ultima III in the 1980’s. “Wizards’ Cave” from Tuscon Arizona were advertising “Islands of Death” and “Te-gran, Origin of the Sword Lords” in Nibble Magazine in 1985. The latter scenario is advertised as the first part of a ‘five scenario series’.

Daemon Master notes that images of the scenario diskettes aren’t yet publicly available, and at this time he has no concrete plans to develop Windows ports of any of these scenarios.