Check Out “MTBG”, Kay Tila’s Turn-Based Game Engine

MTBG stands for “My Turn-Based Game”, an open-source game engine in the style of Ultima 4-6 (but which borrows features from Ultima 7 as well). Kay “Claus” Tila has been developing it for a year or so at this time, and released it on GitHub earlier this year.
Planned features for the engine include:
- animated graphics for background images, weather effects, npcs, missile weapons, and spells
- Full drag-and-drop support within the UI
- Keyboard command framework for all in-game functions
- Visibility calculation based on tile type (fog of war)
- night/day cycle
- MUSE type music system (soundtrack hanges with location, but also with combat and combat situation)
- NPC scheduling system
- containers
- brightness calculation for light sources
You can follow development on MTBG on GitHub, of course. Claus also posts regularly to a post on the project development forum in the UDIC Discord server.