Check Out Daemon Master’s Windows Port of “Ultimore: A World Divided”

The Ultimore scenarios were a series of unofficial expansions for the Apple ][ version of Ultima 3, produced by Joel Fenton in the mid-1980s. Fenton carefully reverse-engineered the game data for Ultima 3 and released these scenarios as alternative “Side 2” diskettes, which allowed them to be played as part of Ultima 3.

Of course, it has been nearly forty years since then; for those that no longer have an Apple ][ at hoe, playing the Ultimore scenarios requires the use of an emulator. It is fortunate, then, that a developer who goes by the online handle of Daemon Master took it upon himself to port Ultimore: A World Divided to Windows.

Alongside this, Daemon Master has released a modified version of the original Apple ][ disk image for A World Divided, which he has made a few tweaks and adjustments to. You can find downloads for this disk image either at Daemon Master’s website (linked previously), or at the Ultimore project entry here at the Codex. And you can grab the Windows port from Daemon Master’s page.

(Hat tip: Fenyx4)