Ultimax: Soundtrack Pieces Released

The team developing Ultimax have been releasing samples of the pieces that make up the game’s soundtrack recently, according to their news page. You can find a total of eight tracks available to preview on their Media page, subdivided into two categories: the Musical Scores section and the New Tracks section; the most recent releases are, obviously, listed under New Tracks.

All of the tracks are, apparently, the work of a composer who goes by the handle EBunny, about which the Ultimax team have some quite enthusiastic things to say:

EBUNNY is a modern musician and composer working in the epic, celtic, medieval music genres, as well as creating compositions in modern rock. We will be adding more tracks by EBUNNY as we make headway on developing Ultimax. We are overly thrilled to have EBUNNY onboard!

You can check out EBunny’s work on Facebook and YouTube, if you’re curious.