The Dark Unknown: To Quest Log or Not to Quest Log

Goldenflame Dragon began the new year by floating the idea of adding a quest log to Chronicles of Ellusus: The Dark Unknown, though he was quick to explain that this wouldn’t mean that the game would adopt modern conventions of visually calling out quest-relevant NPCs:

Should I add a quest log?

This will not entail exclamation marks over anyone’s heads, pointers to where to go next, or the like. And it is already the case that it is impossible to be given a quest and not be able to get told again what is expected of you- all NPCs that ask you to do something will freely repeat the request. You should be able to pick up the game after a year away and having lost all your notes, and if you’re willing to talk to everyone again, reconstruct what you’re up to. However, it wouldn’t really be that difficult to add a quest log- the J key is currently unbound, and could become Journal- and I could include one or two sentences about any given current objectives.

I could of course put a toggle in the Options menu to turn it off, but I know that if 50% of people say they don’t want something like this, and you implement it but make it turn-off-able in the options, about 10% of people will actually turn it off.

While he waited for enough replies to come in, he set about implementing a last-minute prompt that will be presented to players just before they steal an item, and then fixing bugs therein.

Evidently, the quest log idea was sufficiently well-received, and by mid-January he had begun adding that feature to the game. It was evidently a rocky start, though one early feature that Goldenflame was able to implement was the ability to add notes to the journal based on conversation flags. Within a week, however, he opted to pause work on the quest log, citing flaws that might end up scuttling the idea as the reason.

He then worked on adding dialogue to some guard NPCs who had been overlooked in a previous writing pass, and also reworked his planned plot for The Dark Unknown’s second act. This, in turn, led to his working on another dungeon before going dark at the start of February due to increased work commitments. However, he is evidently aiming to resume working on the game, especially now that he has rebuilt his development PC.