Lawless Legends: Playtesters Wanted!

The Lawless Legends development team, having been working on their Apple ][ RPG for around nine years now, are on the cusp of declaring it release-ready. However, in an effort to squash as many bugs as they can prior to doing so, they would like some help from everyone who has been following their efforts with eager anticipation:
We are planning to release the full game this summer, after 9 years of development. We have reached a point where we need more input to wrangle up them bugs and head ’em out! This is where y’all come in: We are giving you a free 3 disk version of the game to play NOW! Let us know about the bugs por favor!
Setting the game up on a real Apple ][ has some particular requirements:
Loading the game on a real Apple II, IIc, IIe, IIgs: MUST HAVE 128K! Apple II, IIc, IIe & GS and Requires 2x 5 1/2″ Disk Drives. To load game simply
Insert Game Disk 1 in Drive 1
Insert Game Disk 2 in Drive 2
Turn on computer and play!
Disk images — for both the aforementioned real Apple ][ and various emulators — can be downloaded from the developer’s Dropbox. Feedback can be submitted in the comments to their news post about the test, or (preferably) on their Facebook page.