“For the King” Developers IronOak Games Join Curve Digital

Some exciting news this week from IronOak Games, developers of For the King (the cross-platform RPG that grew out of the now-defunct attempt to adapt Ultima 7: The Black Gate as a board game):

We’re excited to announce that we’re now officially part of the Curve Digital family of studios! As many of you know, Curve was our publisher on For The King and things worked out so well that we decided to get hitched.

What this means for us is more support, more experience to draw on, deeper pockets, and a wider reach. What this means for you as players is better games and more of them!

Curve has always been 100% hands off development and none of that will change. In fact, we can now be more focused on simply making games as Curve will take over all of the supporting activities outside actual game development. This is a huge win for us and ultimately you as players. That being said we have some more exciting news to share with you very soon about some upcoming releases. Stay tuned!

I suppose, then, that congratulations are in order! I know many of us were sorely disappointed with The Black Gate Board Game was cancelled, and the efforts of its developers were instead put toward crafting the first game in a new IP. But I, for one, have enjoyed watching IronOak Games build For the King and find success therewith. Evidently Curve Digital — a British gaming publisher who have, among other things, published Mousecraft (which I’ve enjoyed, as have my kids) and The Flame in the Flood — felt the same.