Check Out “MobileUO”, a Unity-Based Mobile Client for Ultima Online

Yilmaz Kiymaz, who goes by the handle VoxelBoy, has developed a Unity-based mobile client for Ultima Online…or, at least, for various UO freeshards. He calls it MobileUO.
MobileUO – the first mobile client for Ultima Online!
MobileUO runs on iOS & Android and enables you to play UO on the go.
This project uses the ClassicUO client code inside of Unity
This work is released under the GPLv3 license. This project does not distribute any copyrighted game assets. In order to run this client you’ll need to legally obtain a copy of the Ultima Online Classic Client.
The project’s wiki — small as it is at present — notes that at present, the client is a bit limited:
Be aware that MobileUO works with private shards, not the official UO shards. It has been tested with UO Renaissance, UO Lost Lands, and UO Outlands so far.
MobileUO is in a very early phase, there are lots of issues to fix and features to implement. Therefore, you should not expect to be able to play UO on your mobile device as you do on your PC… yet!
Here’s a simple list of things that should work fine right now:
- Walk/Run
- Interact with Gumps (Paperdoll, backpack, etc.)
- Open bank
- Buy/Sell from vendors
- Simple PvE
- Chat or “Say”
- Create on-screen macro buttons
A few Dragons over on the UDIC Discord server have managed to get MobileUO working, although joining some shards may require players to disable encryption. You can follow the project’s GitHub page for updates (downloads are available thereat as well); there really isn’t a place for UO-related downloads here at the Codex.
If nothing else, this is an interesting conceptual proof, and demonstrates that even Ultima Online can, in fact, work on mobile devices. It will be interesting to see if the “big news” that Broadsword Online Games have been teasing for UO these last few months turns out to be an official mobile client.