The “Dungeon Siege” Series Is Now Available at GOG (Updated!)

Some big news from GOG today: the Dungeon Siege trilogy is now available as a collection! Previously, these three games — Dungeon Siege, Dungeon Siege 2, and Obsidian Entertainment’s Dungeon Siege 3 (as well as its DLC, Treasures of the Sun) — were only available through Steam; it’s a welcome development to see them become available on another platform (and a DRM-free platform, at that).
What’s more, the series is — at least as of the time of this writing — on sale for a very steep discount; its regular retail price is $19.99 USD, but it can be snapped up for just $2.99 USD right now.
There’s no word yet on whether it’s easier to get Ultima V: Lazarus or the Ultima 6 Project — the two Ultima remakes that were built as mods for Dungeon Siege — are easier to get working with the GOG version of the game; the Steam version is somewhat notorious for being difficult to wrangle into running either project. Hopefully a few readers have time to test this out and report back with their findings.
The First Age of Update Since I was recently(ish) working on rebuilding the Ultima V: Lazarus project entry, I still had the Windows installer for the project on hand on my main PC.
So, I quickly installed Dungeon Siege using GOG Galaxy, and then ran the Lazarus installer. Apart from needing to manually edit the shortcut the Lazarus installer creates (it expects, by default, the Dungeon Siege executable to be at C:\DungeonSiege.exe, which is obviously not the path GOG Galaxy installs the game to), everything worked out of the box; Lazarus launched, I was able to create a character, and was able to start playing through the mod.
Reader Jackson Ng was also able to get Lazarus to work without much effort.
Revenge of the Update: As Sergorn notes in the comments, getting the Ultima 6 Project to work with the GOG version of Dungeon Siege isn’t quite as straightforward. However, the workaround for the Steam version of the game also works with the GOG version, so please make use thereof.
For the record, no luck in getting U6P to run. The Setup doesn’t recognize Dungeon Siege as being installed.
Good to know.
The second age of Update.
Using THIS method works
Though you obviously need to use the GoG Path instead of the Steam one.
Still a hassle though, someone need to either create a new Setup.exe or a Registry file you could put on the DS folder and double click