The Ultima 6 Remake: Playability Testing; Working Crematorium

The Ultima 6 Remake team posted a short update back in October just to let us know that work was proceeding apace on the Exult-based project:
Hey guys, still here, just trying not to have a nervous breakdown over school haha. Fall break is this weekend so I’ll try to get an update going. Basically I need to test what I have for playability to the end (should work barring any game breaking errors) and clean up npc code, add a few here and there I might have missed, and a few minor dungeons. Close, yet so far it seems, but I’m getting there.
The also posted a video showcasing Glen, the crematorium operator, doing what he does. Sadly, I don’t think it’s possible to embed Facebook videos, so you’ll have to click on through to check it out…but there is a screenshot of the pivotal moment above.
Correct me if I’m wrong, there was no crematorium in Ultima 6, was there?
Well, it didn’t have this cool in-engine cutscene…but if you brought a body to Glen, he’d offer to cremate it for 15 gold.