Nox Archaist: Lord British Announced as an NPC in the Game

It’s perhaps only fitting that Richard Garriott himself should break this news:



To put it more simply: Garriott and 6502 Workshop have reached an agreement whereby Lord British will appear as an NPC in 6502’s upcoming 8-bit Apple ][ RPG, Nox Archaist:

Yes, you read that right – Lord British will be an NPC in the upcoming Nox Archaist game, produced by 6502 Workshop! This is a big deal for us, as many of the people on our development team grew up playing the Ultima series of games written by Lord British. A lot of our desire to write a tile based Apple II RPG springs from how much enjoyment those games brought us.

We can’t wait to show everyone the world that we’ve created, and having Lord British in it makes it just that much more amazing.

If you would like to be involved, we will be launching our Kickstarter on May 2nd of 2019 to fund the creation of the boxed game and the cool “feelies” that go along with it, such as a cloth map and coins of the realm. Click Here to learn more!

And do take a moment to look at the screenshot, above; it’s an early version of the shrine at which Lord British will appear in Nox Archaist.

2 Responses

  1. Cambragol says:

    Wow. Very interesting. Nice to see support for new/old games like this. Looking forward to playing it!

  1. May 9, 2019

    […] on that Richard Garriott’s alter-ego Lord British will appear as an NPC in the game (albeit this news already broke last week, so its treatment as a surprise herein is a bit past […]