There’s Now an Official Ultima Online Swag Store

If you’ve been feeling like you missed out not getting one of those (admittedly impressive) Ultima Online 20th anniversary posters, you are in luck: the newly-launched UO Swag website — an apparently official retailer of Ultima Online-themed merchandise — has some of those for sale, along with mugs, mouse pads, and t-shirts. (Really, who wouldn’t want the Hilderbrandt painting’s dragon on a mug?)

At present, the selection comprises about a dozen items, and the site is a bit sparse on details; I can’t find any indication of who the supplier(s) behind the site are, who runs it, or what their actual relationship with Broadsword Online Games is. That being said, the merchandise itself looks good; the Endless Journey artwork on the mouse pad feature above is quite nice, for example. So proceed with a bit of caution, I suppose…but definitely give UO Swag a look if you’re interested in picking up some UO-themed merchandise.

(Hat tip: Sergorn Dragon)