Through the Moongate: Kickstarter Trailer

Enrico Ricciardi has posted an update to the Facebook page for Andrea Contato’s upcoming book, Through the Moongate, which features a teaser trailer for the book’s Kickstarter campaign (itself slated to begin later this month):

In just twelve days, the Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign for Andrea Contato’s book “THROUGH THE MOONGATE The Story of Richard Garriott, Origin Systems Inc. and Ultima”, will be launched.

I have invested a lot of time in this project since I first became aware of it, and I am proud to have been able to help bring both Richard Garriott and Denis Loubet on board as contributors; these men are easily the most iconic figures in the history of the legendary Ultima series.

Over the next few days, the Ultima Codex (thanks so much, Kenneth Kully, for your cooperation) and I will update you with new details regarding the book, and regarding the reward tiers that will be available during the Kickstarter campaign.

Richard and I also have some surprises lined up for Ultima fans, and Denis is already working on the back cover of the book. To whet your appetite in the meantime, here is a short trailer for the video that will accompany the Kickstarter campaign. (Many thanks to Jarrod Kailef for providing voiceover narration for the trailer on short notice!)

And here’s the trailer:

If you haven’t been doing so, and if you’re curious about this upcoming book — which promises an in-depth look at the history of Origin Systems and its famous founder — you would do well to give it a Like on Facebook.