Got a Great Ultima Online Story? Wes Locher Wants to Hear About It

Following on from last week’s news about the release of Braving Britannia, Wes Locher’s collection of stories from players and developers of Ultima Online, it would seem that follow-up volumes of the book are being planned.



What’s more, the good Mr. Locher is looking for new stories to tell, and has set up a Google Form which players (and, presumably, current and former developers) of the game can use to tell their tale(s) to him:



In the days following our publication of the news of the book’s release, a few people reached out to share their Ultima Online stories with the Codex, which is of course really cool. But to these people and anyone else who has fun, interesting, or touching stories to tell about their experience with the grandfather of MMORPGs, why not hit up Locher’s submission form? Your tale of adventure in Britannia might end up in the next Braving Britannia volume.