The OpenMW Team Is Making an Ultima IX: Redemption “Libre Edition”

What is a Libre Edition (LE), you might ask? In the context of Ultima IX: Redemption, it means a re-release of that project’s assets after “validating that none of the assets in the LE contain Bethesda’s Intellectual Property (IP) and Copyrights”, and after making contact with the authors of each asset in the project files and “ask[ing] their permission to add their work to the LE release by having them release or re-license their work to a Creative Common License of their choice.”

In other words, don’t get too excited over this news; this isn’t a resurrection of Redemption as such, but is rather an attempt by the OpenMW team — or, at least, I assume it’s them, since the project is hosted through their GitHub page — to ensure that the released project files are lawsuit-proof.

Speaking of which, they are currently looking to get in touch with the following people:

Brad “Operadragon” Venable
Dustin Naegel
Jeremy McGuinn – Knights of Tamriel Matti Paalanen
Steven “Chlorthos” McCrary

If you know any of these fine folks, consider getting in touch with them…and if you do, ask them to in turn get in touch with the OpenMW team by way of creating a new ticket on GitHub.

1 Response

  1. Infinitron says:

    I’ve heard of Matti Paalanen. He’s a composer of creative commons music:

    Should be easy to get in touch with.