Voxel Quest: First Release

Gavan Woolery has released the source code for the first iteration of the Voxel Quest engine via his GitHub profile:
It is the moment you have all been waiting for!…ish. I am sticking one toe in the water and putting out a very, very unpolished release of the very first version of the engine (the isometric engine, which differs from what I previously said I would release first, due to demand). Other versions are to follow. It was a fair amount of work to prep just this release, as unpolished as it is. And there are many things wrong, which I am mostly aware of (see the README.md). As noted, the point was not to make a perfect release, the point was to get the code in your hands as fast as possible (and I am sorry it has taken this long for me to get it out!). I am hoping that between my help and contributors, it can be turned into something at least a little more polished.
The engine code can be downloaded from GitHub, of course; a link to the master download there can also be found at the Voxel Quest project entry. Instructions on building the engine yourself can be found here.
Alternatively, the good Mr. Woolery has also provided a ready-built executable via itch.io.
As to what the future holds, Mr. Woolery has this to say:
On a side note, I am still figuring out how I want to earn money (from work, not VQ!). In the short term, I will probably be contracting a bit more, and I have created a new contracting website here (if you have any leads, let me know! – also, it is a rough draft and the splash page is messed up on mobile phones, so view it in a browser for now). Also, if you would like to vouch for me, you can do so here.
We look forward to seeing more releases of this sort, of progressively more refined versions of this promising engine.